Sunday, May 20, 2012

Grandmas, by Aunt Ginny

I'm pleased to add another guest post by my Aunt Ginny.

I read your blog about Grandmothers.
I too did not ever meet either of my grandparents, all but one died before I was born.   The other one lived in Oregon.
My memory of grandmothers is that they were all much different than the ones today.   Most were so busy like your Grandmother Austin was.    They didn't work outside of the home, but home duties kept them very busy, gardening, cooking, canning (without electricity on a wood stove) cleaning, making clothes.    If they had any spare time, probably in winter months in Minn., they were always putting quilts together, some crocheting etc.
Grandmother Austin also liked to read.   We all were regular patrons at St. Peter's library.   Liz recalled that Mother would have a book in her hand as she churned butter.
My mother died just before David was born so she never met any of my children.    However, they had both of Allan's parents.   They too lived much as I did.    Grandma would like to sew for her grandkids, they could always count on pajamas, and when we went to visit she liked to make treats, cookies mainly.   They never made it to any of their weddings, graduations, etc, like today's grandparents seem to do.  As far as gifts it was always something hand made, not toys, etc.   I think that was better myself.   I do remember each grandchild on their birthdays, do send money as I'm not skilled at making things.
I think if your parents had lived long enough to meet their grandchildren it would have been much the same as my parents were.Liz was unique as you already know.
Just more thoughts of "old times."
Love, Aunt Ginny


1 comment:

E Manders said...

I always enjoy hearing my Grandma's thoughts about life. She made me a flip calendar where each day she answered a question about her growing up years. I will always treasure this calendar as it helps me to get to know her better. These posts are also special! Thanks for sharing Donna!