A package arrived in the mail for me yesterday from Japan. I couldn't wait for my birthday to open it because I had been told what Josiah had made for me - - so I popped the tape and began unwrapping the contents. Joe Joe painted his Grandma D two plum trees on a grassy knoll. The fruit looks so real, I would love to pick it. I treasure this painting - an original from a master who is only 2 years old!
Moments later I got on the phone to thank him for my precious gift. When I asked Rachel if I could speak to him, I think I heard him say, "Not now, Mommy. I'm in a meeting. . ." or something like that. Anyway, after a pleasant visit with Rachel, I got to hear Josiah say, "Happy Birthday, Grandma!" This is the first time I have ever had those words spoken to me. . . (sigh!)
Thank you, Josiah. I love you!
I did show him a couple of techniques for the painting, such as using a fingertip dipped in paint to make "fruit", but the rest is a Josiah De For original! We had fun doing this project, though it was a big, big mess. He's not old enough yet to understand not to mix all the colors together. That's why early JD4 works will be mostly brown in color!
Today when I showed my blog entry to my boss, Paul, who is the design director where I work, he said, "This is a very good watercolor. Is it yours?" "Yes," I replied - "My grandson painted it for me for my birthday." Then Paul told me I should enter it in the Minnesota State Fair.
There are two reasons why I cannot do that: (1) the deadline was July 10, (2) I would be worried sick that something bad would happen to it. No, this is a treasure, and I shall treat it that way.
Oh, come on now! How about, since they all think I'm such a fantastic writer, Josiah and I collaborate on a book? He can do the illustrations and I'll write it?
That is a lovely painting and a lovely b-day gift! Happy Birthday!
Rachel, you definitely should consider writing something to be published - even a short story. It never hurts to try!
I took my "original" to work today to show it off, and everyone loved it. Paul was especially fond of the way Josiah apparently had yellow on his fingertip prior to putting it in the purple for a few of the plums. The shading is very beautiful.
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