Our first concert of the weekend went very well last night. The guest artists - Huntley Brown and Robert Robinson - were incredible, as were the choirs and orchestra! It was really fun!
Now we're in the midst of a blizzard! This is our third snowstorm this year - and it's not officially winter yet. It started snowing just as I left the church parking lot last night at 9:50. I got up at 3 am and looked outside. The sidewalk was filled in - an estimated 4 or 5 inches of new snow, on top of the 11 inches from our last storm. I got up at 7 and a lot more had fallen. We have about 7 new inches of the white stuff now and it's really blowing. It's possible our concert tonight may get postponed to later tomorrow afternoon. We'll see.
One of my Facebook friends reported having gone to the local grocery store last night after work. The large store was completely out of butter and flour. Apparently a lot of Christmas goodies will be stirred up and baked this weekend.
What will I do? Well, I have gifts to wrap; a couple of trees to put up and decorate; and perhaps I'll do a little baking. If the concert tonight gets cancelled, I'll be staying put!
I'm thinking we'll be doing some baking today too.
No baking for me. Good idea to stay put. Thinking about all of you up there. Might as well go play in the snow.
This is no longer a snow storm; it's an old-fashioned blizzard. There are big drifts outside my bedroom and cottage windows - up to my first window pane! Snow continues to fall. I'm pretty sure the concert will be cancelled tonight - but no official word yet.
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