Thursday, March 08, 2012

Speed Scrabble

Friends (clockwise): Ellen, LaVonne, Nancy, yours truly, Whitney, Jennifer, and Jo

At 3 pm each work day, most of us take a 15 minute break. There are several group activities in which one can participate. For instance, some take a short walk outdoors - even in cold weather. There's a table of gals who play cards — various versions of the card game, "golf." At another table, you will find folks playing speed scrabble. All of these activities give a nice chance to visit with co-workers.

For the past few years, I have opted to play cards. It's really fun, and uses your mind a bit. Then a couple of weeks ago, I went back to playing speed scrabble - just to change things up a bit. Sometimes there are only two of us at the table playing, but today we broke a record. We had 7 players!! Our puzzles were small, but I think we got in three games.

I wonder what other offices or places of work do at break time.

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