After limping around - in pain - for the past two weeks, a podiatrist today determined I have a stress fracture in my left foot. In the defense of my primary doctor, the fracture didn't show up on the x-rays taken on the 5th of August. But the pain and swelling has continued, and today after new x-rays were taken, the stress fracture showed up.
I've been fortunate to have strong bones most of my life. In 2006, while walking on the Cliff Walk in Newport, RI, with Hans and Rachel, Josiah and Annika, I fell - not once, but twice, and broke my elbow. That was really painful for awhile! But that is the only broken bone I have had, until now - and this isn't technically "broken."
The boot, while big and clunky-looking, actually makes walking less painful. I'm putting pressure on my heel, rather than the front of my foot. Thankfully, this happened to my non-driving foot! Maybe tomorrow night I'll be able to go to the grocery store to stock up on food. My cupboards are getting bare. I don't want to have to resort to eating cat food!
If you need any help, just let us know.
Wish I could help you grocery shop!
Glad you found out and now can start to heal.
Isn't it a good thing it is not your driving foot?!! Here's hoping for a fast and painless heal.
So glad you found out the reason for the pain. Now, to begin healing!
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