Friday, January 08, 2010

It's been an uneventful week . . .

I haven't had much to write about this week. We're into the new year and all of the folks in my office are back from vacations. There's nothing unusual going on. I've been getting some much needed rest and going to bed early to read a good book, Deep in the Heart of Trouble.

Oh, we've had very cold weather with about 3 or 4 new inches of snow yesterday, but that's nothing compared to southwest Minnesota where schools are closed for the second day due to blowing snow - and drifts as high as 6 feet on the highways. It makes me think of Rachel's family and hope everyone is okay there.

I think I may have a new neighbor in the upstairs unit. I don't believe she or she and he have moved in yet, but there have been workers there. Perhaps they're painting or stripping wallpaper. I don't know, but it had been very quiet since May when the former neighbor moved out. It had given me the privilege to wash clothes any time of day (or night) without breaking any association rules.

I'm eagerly waiting for February to get here so I can go out to Seattle to be with Heidi and her family.


DD4 said...

Yup, I was right. Tonight when I got home from work, the painters were just coming out of the door to the unit above me. I asked them what they had been doing and they said they stripped wallpaper and painted the entire unit white - inside closets and all. I asked if I could take a peek and they said sure. So I walked up the steps and stepped just inside the door. Everything looked so nice and fresh. They told me the woman would be moving in in the next day or two.

I came home and was a little overwhelmed at just how much "stuff" I have. Oh, well.

j said...

Hey Donna - I just saw your comment on the blog. I'm leaving Thursday for Stuttgart. I took a leave of absence from work, so will be there through March 4th! No joke! I will definitely give them all hugs for you:)