Wednesday, October 18, 2017

An Autumn Cousins Lunch

Last Saturday my brother and sister and cousins came to my house for lunch. I was really looking forward to this because we always have a good time together. I took this as an opportunity to use some of my fall decorations as well as my farm dishes.

I began buying these farm dishes made by Debbie Dean when I lived in Austin and worked at Hormel's. I bought dinner plates, lunch plates, mugs, a divided baby dish, bowls—both cereal as well as serving. I also bought heart shaped platters and a pitcher. Here is a photo of one of the bowls.

This year I decided to decorate my dining room shelf with some of my fall things. The middle shelf has a treasured trio of straw girls which my friend Nancy gave to me. The wooden carved goose shown on the top shelf I purchased in Germany. On that trip I also bought the clay church which is on the second shelf. I have had the apple girl and apple boy the top shelf for many years. They are made in Norway and are from the designs of Carl Larsson.

My hutch with Delft and more Carl Larsson figures

My table
I served chicken pot pies and kale slaw, along with dinner rolls. My cousin Pat brought homemade applesauce that she and Pudge had made a few days before and my sister brought delicious homemade pumpkin bars. We had good conversation while eating and more visiting afterwards.

Pat, John and his friend, Tonya

Pudge, Janet, Linda

Jerry, Janet and yours truly

Seated: John and Tonya. Standing: Pat

John and Linda

Janet and I

Monday, October 02, 2017

Neighborhood Progressive Dinner

Feeling a bit lonely after the pool where I live closed for the season, I got the idea to have a progressive dinner with friends I had made there during the summer. Thanks to the list of contact information I had gathered the final weekend of the season, I sent out a global email asking if there was any interest. I had mentioned I would be willing to host the main course. Within hours, Patti responded with, "I'll do appetizers." Then Colleen offered to do the dessert. Next Sheryl responded, "I don't have seating for everyone, but I could do the salad course." I let each of them know their offers were fabulous and we should proceed. Even the date I proposed in my initial message was accepted. These women were great and I started to get excited about seeing my new friends again. To my surprise, Gwen sent a message saying she would do cocktails. To tell the truth, this course never occurred to me. Patty responded with, "I'll bring my appetizers down to Gwen's house. That way we can stay with having the courses at four residences." Soon the RSVPs started coming in. There was going to be eleven of us!

Friday night arrived and friends began arriving at Gwen's where she had a bar set up on one side of her kitchen and Patty's appetizers on the opposite counter.

Gwen, getting her kitchen ready for our party

Gwen, Colleen, Mary Jo, Patti and Patty in Gwen's kitchen
After all of the guests arrived, they helped themselves to drinks and appetizers and gathered in her beautiful living room. It was delightful to see everyone again. Each one had a smile on her face and many voiced their opinion of getting together socially.

After 45 minutes, or so, we delivered our glasses and plates to the kitchen and left Gwen's to walk the short distance to Sheryl's home. Sheryl is an artist and her walls displayed many of the pieces she has painted. She has two Maine Coon cats and had them secured in her bedroom as a precaution.

Sheryl with salad. It was delicious!

Colleen at Sheryl's

Patty and Patti at Sheryl's
Shorty before the 45 minutes were up, I left to go to my house to get the garlic bread into my oven. About 15 minutes later, my friends began arriving. Again, each one seemed to be really enjoying  herself. I was grateful to Mary Jo for taking over by giving my friends a tour of my home. My, they were so impressed with my cottage! Patty told me she loved the window over my bed and asked where I had gotten it. Her home is the same model as mine. And then it was time to gather around my table.

Seated: Alison, Mary Jo; standing: yours truly, Sheryl, Susie and Sandra
Susie, Alison and Sheryl at my table

Sandra, yours truly and Mary Jo

Mary Jo again came to my aid by asking what each person wanted to drink and then she helped me with serving a plate with lasagna to each one. I made Jean Woodard's recipe. She is a dear friend who lives in Joliet. Once each person was served, I said grace, thanking God for bringing these wonderful ladies into my life. We had good conversation while gathered around my table. It was crowded with 10 of us, but it worked out fine. While eating, one friend asked how I started collecting Delft. Another asked how did I decide to make one bedroom into a cottage?

After eating, Mary Jo helped me by clearing off the table and putting the dishes in the dishwasher. Then we joined the others by walking to Colleen's for dessert.

Entering Colleen's home was interesting for me. She is a lot of fun and her home represents that well. The rooms are painted with bright, strong colors, and she has fascinating objects of art throughout. I loved looking at everything.

Sandra,  Colleen and Patti
Colleen served  homemade chocolate bundt cake, apple cake (delicious!) and ginger cookies. Her dinnerware was multi color Fiestaware. I thought it fit her perfectly.

Susie and Sheryl

Patti, Gwen and Mary Jo
Before we departed for the evening, everyone thanked me for putting this event together and expressed a desire to do more things together over the next eight months while the pool is closed. Patti announced she already has her menu planned for a December brunch to which we are going to be invited. Other ideas came forth: The Old Log Theater, Chanhassen Dinner Theater, and the theater at the Masonic Home.