Sunday, October 07, 2012

Cousins' Weekend

My cousin Linda lives in Chicago. At least a couple of times a year, she drives to Minnesota so she can be with her cousins. This is an especially nice time for us! We all have shared many experiences over the years, and I'm so glad it continues.

This morning Linda and my sister came to my church (Well, it's not MY church—I know better, but I think my readers know what I mean.), which I really appreciate, since our service is early = 8:30. After church, we went to my cousin Pat's where we enjoyed a lunch of "booya," a delicious chicken vegetable soup. Pat and Pudge actually stood in a "soup line" with their big kettle and brought it back home for us to eat. The booya was made in a huge pot by the fireman of North Saint Paul, and stirred by canoe paddles. It is sold by the bowl full. We also had some dark, hearty bread, delicious sharp cheddar cheese, and apple dumplings.

Pat demonstrating the stirring as Pudge and Linda watch.

My cousins, Pat and Pudge

Linda, standing by the beautifully decorated table. My cousin, Pat, has a gift for decorating.

Before heading off to an apple orchard, we helped Pat undecorate her "Patty Wagon" that was used at her friend's wedding yesterday. It really was pretty!

Driving to the orchard, we went by the two homes in Mahtomedi that suffered a catastrophic fire this past week. The house on the right was totally destroyed. The owners were away in New York.  (Double click on the photo to enlarge for better detail.)

Linda, bless her heart, offered to pick some prairie grass for me.

I'm thankful for the times our family gathers together. From what I hear, not all families have this closeness. We have been, and still are - blessed!

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