Monday, January 07, 2019

Another Party!

Friday night I hosted my fifth dinner party in my new home. This party was for my former neighborhood "pool" ladies. Sadly, three of the neighbors couldn't make it. They all really liked my new place—couldn't get over how large it is. It was a lot of fun having them here.

L to R: Patti, Colleen Mc, Mary Jo, and Gwen

L to R: Rita, Susie, and Sheryl

Yours truly and Colleen M
I kept the menu simple: appetizers: spinach dip and crackers, candied mixed nuts, sparkling juice; dinner: salad, sloppy Joe's, scalloped potatoes, relishes, pickles, and cherry devil's food cake with chocolate chip ice cream for dessert. After dinner, we moved to the living room where I opened the hostess gifts they brought. [I do not want people to bring me anything. I spent weeks getting rid of things and now I have everything under control.] We talked and talked and laughed and laughed. The evening went past so quickly.

I am blessed to have so many friends. It's a rich feeling.

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