Saturday, April 07, 2018


My mother and me
Yesterday was the 58th anniversary of my mother's sudden death. It so happened my brother and sister had already made plans to come to see me and to bring me two pieces of equipment to use following my surgery. Once my brother got the legs sized for me, we sat down and had a good visit.

After talking for awhile, it was time for lunch, so we headed out the door and drove to Eden Prairie where I showed them the cooperative where I am on a waiting list. Then we went to Redstone where we had a relaxing meal. I had thought we could share the banana cream pie for dessert—a tradition of Heidi and mine—but we were too full.

While driving back to my home I mentioned the trouble I have been having with buying a sweatsuit to take to the hospital, recommended for me to wear when it is time for me to go home. Jerry said I could probably have luck at Fleet Farm. He and Janet said they wouldn't mind driving to the one closest to me to check it out. I'm so happy we did because I scored by getting the pants and hooded zip shirt on sale!

Before falling asleep last night, I enjoying going over the memories of the day. It really was a good time.

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