Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Home again, home again, jiggety-jig!

Home again, home again, jiggety-jig! I have traveled far and been away for too many surgeries to count, and now I am back home again. There is nothing so sweet and comforting as "home." 

My surgery went well. I was in the hospital from Wednesday, the 11th until Saturday, the 14th. Peder and Aurelia came to the hospital to get me in a snow storm—the biggest snowfall ever in the twin cities April books. After stopping by my house to pick up a couple of things, they drove me to the Minnesota Masonic Home where I spent the past 10 days. 

While at the Masonic Home, I was given physical and occupational therapy each twice a day. This was a work-out for me, but I wanted so much to get back on my feet so I did everything that was asked of me. In the off times, not right away, of course, I went on long walks—one day I logged over a mile. It was on these walks I discovered two museums for the Minnesota Masonic Home. I found the history fascinating.

The smaller museum showed me how the home came to be. The Masons of Minnesota purchased the large estate of Marion Savage, the owner of famed race horse, Dan Patch, in 1918, to be used as a home for the infirmed. As there was more need, more buildings were added, and eventually the original stately home was demolished, due to deterioration. Just recently, in 2016, a multimillion dollar addition was added that includes a beautiful 500 seat auditorium and a fabulous museum of the Masons.

Bonnie trying out my walker and Nancy sporting my brace

My stay at the Masonic Home was very good. I was given three good meals each day, and could have snacks whenever I chose. I had many visitors, received cards and flowers, and enjoyed meeting all of the people in my wing. Each day for meals I chose to sit at a different table so that I could meet the other patients. Each person was there for one illness or another and I tried to encourage them to keep on with their therapy to get stronger each day. The nursing staff and therapy team were really good. Of course, a few of them stood out to me. One particular aid, Glenda, was a very dear woman, and she shared photos of her family with me. 

But as I stated at the beginning, it is so good to be back home again. Nels really missed me, and I missed him. Oh, and while I was away, nearly all of the snow melted. The weather has gotten really nice!

Saturday, April 07, 2018


My mother and me
Yesterday was the 58th anniversary of my mother's sudden death. It so happened my brother and sister had already made plans to come to see me and to bring me two pieces of equipment to use following my surgery. Once my brother got the legs sized for me, we sat down and had a good visit.

After talking for awhile, it was time for lunch, so we headed out the door and drove to Eden Prairie where I showed them the cooperative where I am on a waiting list. Then we went to Redstone where we had a relaxing meal. I had thought we could share the banana cream pie for dessert—a tradition of Heidi and mine—but we were too full.

While driving back to my home I mentioned the trouble I have been having with buying a sweatsuit to take to the hospital, recommended for me to wear when it is time for me to go home. Jerry said I could probably have luck at Fleet Farm. He and Janet said they wouldn't mind driving to the one closest to me to check it out. I'm so happy we did because I scored by getting the pants and hooded zip shirt on sale!

Before falling asleep last night, I enjoying going over the memories of the day. It really was a good time.

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Where Is Spring?

The calendar says it is Spring, but looking outside I must disagree. Yesterday we had snow falling and the wind was blowing, too. We got about 8 inches. I was happy I didn't have to go anywhere. Sometime during the night I heard snow plows. Sure enough, after getting out of bed this morning I looked out the window and the sidewalks and parking places had been cleared.

Today the sky is blue and the sun on the new white stuff is a bit pretty, but it is difficult to appreciate it when it is the 3rd of April and I am longing to see green grass and some flowers outside my porch. And speaking of my porch, both Nels and I are looking forward to spending some time out there.

In the meantime, I sport my long underwear and turtleneck shirts, while knitting. Next week I will go to the hospital to have another back surgery. I am praying the weather will warm up while I am away from home. It would feel good to spend some time outdoors while I am recovering.