Sunday, October 06, 2013

My college is 100 years old this year!

Beautiful chandelier under the dome
I took the day off Friday and attended the first day celebration of my college's 100th Anniversary – Minnesota Bible College. While I didn't graduate, the people who taught me during that time made a huge impact on my life, but I didn't really appreciate that until Friday. Special speakers were Paul Boatman, Leroy Randall, Jon Grice, and Ben Cachiaras. Videos were from Earl Grice, Jim Strauss, Richard Hogan, and others. Each of these individuals shared just how much the college helped shape them. I realized, it helped shape me, too.

The college sold our beautiful building which was located on University Avenue and 15th Avenue SE in Minneapolis - in Dinky Town - back in 1975 and relocated in Rochester. At that time, they also changed the name to Crossroads College.

This is how the college looked some 90 - 100 years ago. This is prior to University Avenue being widened and the University of Minnesota encroaching.

This is how it looks today. After it was sold, it was eventually turned into a shopping mall (because we don't have enough of those!). I have been in it once, but it's actually sad. Those who came to the celebration were given a tour of the building on Thursday. I decided to pass.

A highlight for me Friday was singing in the mass choir. Former and current students joined in. I was by far one of the older ones. But that didn't matter to me. I really enjoyed it! Also, more than once the entire gathering sang the familiar choir theme song, Sing, Sing, Sing!

Sing, Sing, Sing!
Sing, sing, sing praise to the Savior the whole day long!
Sing, sing, with voices ringing in heart-felt song.
Sing, sing, what e're betide you,
Sing for the joy of the Lord that's inside you,
Sing to the King!
Sing, sing, glad in His service,
Sing, Sing, Sing!

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