Monday, September 16, 2013

My friend and author, Beverly Lewis

Today our office was treated with a visit from our top author, and my friend, Beverly Lewis. Beverly had just finished a two week book-signing tour in Kentucky and Indiana, where she did three signings in three cities each of those days, except Sundays. She said it was probably the best tour she has done, and she has done many—two each year for the past seven or so many years—each time a new book of hers is released. Beverly has published over 90 books, some for children, and the majority for adults. She is known throughout the country as the "Queen of the Amish" novels.

About a year or so ago, I was given the honor of answering the fan emails that come to our company website addressed to her. I have some templates that help with some of the answers, but because I am a friend of hers, and read all of her books, I can answer many of them from my heart. I forward all of my correspondence to her and she can write to the fan if she has the time or sees the need. It frees up her time to write more, plus do the many interviews that are requested of her.

What I love about Beverly is her sweet, sweet spirit, and her kindness. She is fun, and she can be serious. She and her husband are prayer warriors, praying daily for hundreds of people. I'm so glad I got to see her today.

If you haven't read her books, you should. She is a New York Times Best-selling Author. Her newest book is The Secret Keeper.

1 comment:

Beverly Lewis said...

It was so wonderful seeing you at the Bethany House offices this past week, Donna. I hope your foot heals quickly.

Bev Lewis