Thursday, November 04, 2010


I've been putting it off for a couple of weeks now, but with the days clicking off the calendar and "you know what" coming soon, I must get on it - - the laborious task of swapping out my summer clothes for my winter clothes. This is one of the most dreaded jobs for me. I guess each year I just hope they'll magically swap themselves. Maybe I'll get it done this weekend. Maybe. I wouldn't have this conundrum if I had a closet like this one!


MamaD4 said...

Maybe you need to break it down into smaller segments, like swapping one tub at a time, and don't forget to cull--if you haven't worn something for a year, you probably won't wear it again. Well, that's what "they" say, anyway...

Good luck!

Pat said...

Once you get started it probably will not be too bad. Half the battle is getting started. I bet you will find things you forgot all about which makes it fun. If I were there I would come and help. That is my thing -- as you well know. It is better when I do someone else's because I do not have to make the decisions. Decisions on what to keep or give away can be difficult.