Thursday, April 03, 2008

Dare I Get My Hopes Up?

As I walked to my garage this morning, I may have experienced the entry of Spring in my neighborhood. To my surprise, I heard a robin sing. I looked up to see if I could spot him, and there he was, high at the top of the tree across the street, happy as could be. Of course, I greeted him and welcomed him back to Minnesota. I asked him if he had had a good winter. He didn't answer, but he didn't fly away either. (This photo was taken from the Internet. We do not have any leaves yet.)

I just checked the weather for the temperature and learned is currently 47 degrees, but is supposed to rise to 52. Whoo Hoo! The sky is blue, and more snow is melting. This is so encouraging, since we have had a winter that hasn't wanted to end. Even now there is S*N*O*W in the forecast for this coming Sunday, but I'm trying to ignore it.

A month from tomorrow our choir leaves for the mission trip to Ukraine and Austria. We have had two rehearsals and the music is going to be very exciting. I have been asked to have my faith story prepared and be willing to share it at one of the concerts. This is uncharted territory for me, but I agreed to do it. I have written my first draft and one of my editor friends at work has agreed to help me with it. One of the pastors at my church will also be helping. My understanding is that an interpreter will be standing next to me when I present it. This may be helpful, as I imagine the pauses would give me a chance to catch my breath and regain my composure, if necessary. I'm trusting the Lord to help me with this venture. Please keep me in your prayers for this part of the journey, as well as the preparation and flights. I will post more about what to expect on our trip in a future entry.

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