Yesterday I took my 7 year old grandson, Leo, to Rochester with me to be with my brother, Jerry, and my sister, Janet. Janet's great grandson, Levi, was to come over later in the day to meet and play with Leo.
Once there, Leo got to take out the hundreds of toys that are Levi's but are stored at Jerry and Janet's. He set up the Matchbox cars in rows and rows as though they were at an outdoor theater. He said they had to pay $1,000 admission, except those who were in the rear on the high platform. They paid $.02 each. I thought that was funny.
Leo arranged these car as at an outdoor theater |
After a nice lunch prepared by Janet, Levi and Lynn arrived. It didn't take long for the boys to begin playing together. I thought it was really interesting and amazing, that Levi never had the attitude of selfishness with what are are his toys stored at his Grandma Jan's. He never seemed to be concerned to see his cars out of their container and on the floor. He is a real sweetheart.
Levi and Leo |
The boys turned their play into a game of hide and seek and played well together. When it was time for Levi to leave, the boys said they wanted to get to play together again. I loved that.
Except for driving in continual rain both down to Rochester and back, it was a really nice time.