This was a busy weekend of family get-togethers. On Saturday, my father's side of the family held their family reunion at a city park in St. Peter. Except for the wind, it was a lovely day for an outside activity. I would estimate there were about 60 people in attendance. My father was the youngest of 10 children. Sadly, none of them are living any longer. Of the first cousins, there were 8 in attendance - - the oldest being 91. I am the third youngest of this generation. One cousin brought a box of photos that he thought should be shared with others. It was fun looking at them. I was thrilled to get a picture from the living room of the house in which I lived from birth to 9th grade. Since my folks died when I was young, I don't have very many things from my youth.
Today many of my family members had a great time at my cousin Diane's new home in Blaine. Peder, Sarah, Aurelia and I drove together. My brother and sister were there, as well as my cousin Linda from Chicago and Aunt Liz and Pat. Diane and Dave's entire family was there including our newest cousin, 6 month old Ethan.
9 of us in attendance are leaving for Seattle in 25 days to set sail for Alaska on 8-8-08. We had lots to talk about: have you completed your boarding pass? What are you planning to wear? Are you planning to take any land excursions? Or trips for whale watching? What time does your flight arrive? As for me, I'm looking forward to experiencing ship life; seeing sunrises and sunsets out at sea; looking at the stars and moon - perhaps the aurora borealis; watching for whales; sitting in the hot tub; touring the kitchen; looking at glaciers; watching for bald eagles; and shopping in the ports. Hopefully I'll still be able to fit into the clothes I'm bringing! In all, 20 of my family and friends are going to Alaska.
Back to our afternoon together. . . It was so much fun seeing Aurelia walking
everywhere! She is so tiny and sweet. It's hard to believe she is walking already. She never cried once, even though she hadn't had a nap. She soon fell asleep once we were on our way home.